Sunday, April 20, 2008

VENUS VENUS shining bright

Writing in morning today because may not get time to write in evening. Sunday night dear!!! hehe. I had planned to write about a person whjo is boring me on net, but yesterday night I realised there is even more important event happening. Venus is smiling bright. Yup Venus is in Pisces(meen) sign. For those who dotn know, pisces is venus's exaltated or ucch sign. Venus is best in meen when owner of meen is good. Incidently jupiter(owner of meen) is best it can be. Now what is the effect?? Venus is spreading love, she is dispersing her affection through the four quarters of world. Venus the queen goddess of love, beauty, affection and humanity is radiating all her virtues to people below. Result "LOVE is int he air"

Video is great. I am just waiting to sing this song. I have rahu-rahu dasha now so very little chance now, heheh. Hmm rahu while going will surely gift me with love, I know that rahu has never let me down. For now I am in love with Rahu. hehehe

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