Ashlesha nakshatra (Hydarae) Spread from 16:40’ to 30: degree Karka. Ruling planet is Mercury. Symbol-coiled up snake. According to Valmiki Ramayana, the twin brothers Lakshman and ShatrughnaIt were born in this nakshatra. is the nature of a snake to hide himself, to encircle and entwine, to creep on the chest, to embrace, and to enjoy or unite surreptitiously. All this is an attribute of Aslesha also. The cunningness of the serpent, its devious nature, the burning sensation of poison and pain along with all consequences that poison connotes are to be read in the constitution of Aslesha. The virtues and vices of the serpent are all in it. Chandra in Aslesha sicklied over with various faults in great intensity. Whoever would have his or her karmadhipati (Lord of the 10th house) or bhagyapati (Lord of the 9th house) in this star would run the risk of having all his or her principal acts in life handicapped, jeopardized or spoiled by many kinds of danger and obstruction. If the Lagna is in this star, the native would possibly be of wily disposition. Such people would like to work in secret and their words would carry the sting of poison.
Ashlesha is the serpent of the cosmos, carring deadly sting the poisonous snake moves through the universe. One of the most powerful ironies of the astro world is that ashlesha finds herself in Cancer. Cancer?? It is no place for ashlesha,hmm close understanding will reveal it actually is.
Cancer's crab has a very strong hold over its substrate. It is the most akkhadu rashi of all the rashis. Even the fixed earthy vrushabh cant match up with the stubborness that kark has in itself. In such an environment the serpent survives and prospers. Ashlesha happily glides in cancer.
Ashlesha astronomically is identified with star called Asselus Australis. It is moderate star with no taratmak results as such. Ashlesha-4 and its follower magha-1 is called as gandaant and moon here is not good at all.
Ashlesha people have the blessing of moon in karka and hence are calm cool and emotional people. Emotions run deep in this nakshatra. People are quite sharp and aware of surroundings
observant of everything. Nothing slips past the snake as it slithers on desert sand. Now the counter part. Hissing as the snake ashlesha spits venom at its victim, makes it highly poisonous nakshatra. Verrry verry unforgiving nakshatra, wont forgive and will never never forget. Jyeshtha will kill with sword ashlesha will slow poison its opponent. Ashlesha is the human incarnation of the intelligent King cobra. Agression is contained and controlled, other people dont realise that the person is angry or has contempt on mind. Most unfathomed nakshatra, you can know an ashlesha for years still wont be able to read what he/she is thinking at a particular scene.
Now the gandaant part. Ashlesha-magha gandaant is the most dreaded of all three. This part ignites the passion of the serpentine world and the passive energies of the snake world are ignited by planets in gandaant. Ashlesha gandaant requires immediate nakshatra shanti or it can even incur balarishta on the young born in gandaant.
Ashlesha is the god of serpents, ashlesha is the snake, ashelsha is the serpentine characteristics in humans ashlesha is the silent viper that lurks in the cosmos;Ashlesha is the killer perfect
Thats 100% true devyani, i am also Ashlesha born, from my point of view ashlesha are very emotional, too much kind, but problem is that they never forgive for example they will forgive in the sense that they will not react and take any revenge but mind that action for lifet time and change behaviour toward that person or event.
I agree with the views of devyani
My son's star is also Ashlesha.He is aged 28 years. I have not seen any negative aspects so far. He is
very calm from the child hood. He is not matching with the description of ashlesha.
rama rao,
Dear vibhav,
This is siddharth, i am ashlesha born but in 4th pada! u have very good knowledge about a nakshatra phsycology!
u may aware about sadesati on karka rashi...its really difficult period for me nowdays, feeling heavy mental sickness and lots of other problems! why its happening! is the same thing happening with punarvasu and puhya also?? what do u think?
i am also an Ashlesha in Karka Rashi. i was not happy with all the negative readings of the birthstar, but you must take the whole chart into consideration. Also that Siva & the cosmic serpent of Kundalini suggests that deep awareness of life is possible foe Ashlesha... they are very keen & have a lot of power if they can direct it. snakes shed skin, they can transform, and i believe that Ashlesha can become wonderful people!
Siddharth you said it right. Me too am ashlesha born in 4th pada. Past 3 years have been extremely difficult from all sides because of kark rasi's sade sati. Things are changing slowly but still am in a state i was 16 yrs back. My jyotish says things will turn around from next Jan. Let's see. Please let me know if you have done any puja or something which have helped you, as your posting is an old one.
i am not born under ashlesha nakshatra.But an astrologer has asked me to do ashlesha bali pooja. i am confused as to why. my nakshatra is rohini. pls advise
take advice from good Astro...
How is the Ashlesha pada 3 .. I am confused ?
i was born in ashlesha 4padam.iam not good in anything i read some where that ashlesha 4padam will become direction less in there life is that true becoz i have discontinued my degree,my job, i just simply waste my time by travelling for unnecessary thing and sleeping watching TV.I always think from tomorrow i have to start work on some thing but the same old thing i do every day.I visited a astrologer he said no one will marry me.He also said i wont do anything just simply sit idol and waste my time.Really why i do like this i don't understand.I start a work and leave that in middle and look for some other new thing .can anyone tell me when is my sad sati period comes to an end.Is there anyone who is successful with same star and padam (ashlesha 4thpadam).
I also born on Ashlesha nakshatra - 4th Pada.....Though most of teh astrologists say that this nakshatra is bad or something like that, not all get agree on this point.I have come across many gd astrologists who firmly say that( n which I also strongly believe) , that People born with this Nakshatra have tremendous energy level. They can do anything they want . Only thins is that they should develop some level patience n should give proper direction to their efforts...Then Aashlesha native would b 1of the strongest + nice people....
There r many advantages also of this nakshatra.e.g.Aashlesha natives generally have deep sense of life issues,philosophical issues.They can look inward.They can introspect.They also can do well rather best in Mysterious areas e.g.Psychology,Hypnotism,Criminal Studies,Astrology,Detective jobs, as they know how to operate secretly n due 2 huge inner interest in Mysterious things.....Ultimately I would like conclude by saying that They r like double sided sword / weapon.....Its up 2 u that how 2 use Ashlesha;s energy n blessings.............:)
Hai all
Yes ashlesha is the powerful star, having ashlesha nakshtra is really lucky if you use the energy correctly and in a positive way. you have anormous strength, actually most of the ashleshans do not know that they have the power. it is the star which understands the human mentality perfectly and moves well in this kaliyuga.
I m ashlesha pada 1 and I m exteremly sensitive intuitive and yes I never forget but not harmful to my enemies rather my philoshipy for that is let god will see them.
I m ashlesha pada 1 and I m exteremly sensitive intuitive and yes I never forget but not harmful to my enemies rather my philoshipy for that is let god will see them.
@ambika. yes because you have learnt by yourself this way of letting go your enemies as the most intelligent,smart, smoothest, powerful yet peaceful way.
Ashlesha people keep studying and learning from inside, well others too doo the same but what makes the difference is... your ability to learn it quick, straight, and deep. As this assures that they will get results for whatever they perceive for. Which gives them confidence to know or achieve more, whatever suits their soul.
I m ashlesha pada 1 and I m exteremly sensitive intuitive and yes I never forget but not harmful to my enemies rather my philoshipy for that is let god will see them????. ..... BRO GOD is not a HITMAN OR a FIXER.
Ashlesha is no. one star in the universe
Ashlesha is the no. one star in the universe.
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