Saturday, April 11, 2009


I just realised that one entire year will be completed for the blog. I started blogging around 20th April last year. I just cant believe that...................... Complete year gone. Time flies like a cheetah running for a snack or rather more aptly the Thomsons Gazelle which runs with his life dangling between life and death. I started blogging just because I wanted to "write" and feel like a writer. I like writing and have a long lost dream of being a Journalist. Well I certainly cant call it "long lost", recently one of my friend left his well paid IT job and training to pursue a journalist job which paid him half. So who knows if I try really hard I could end up being one, heheeh but then again will I try that hard?? hehehe
So was talking about the blog and the love for writing. In the past year..hmm lets see. Jupiter changed sign, I changed from Rahu-Rahu to Rahu-Guru and Saturn finally decided to say bye bye to sinha and is his way out of the pompous sign. So many changes but I feel like that nothing has. It is like feeling like just few days passed, actually when the world changes. Great is the human power to adjust, we adjust to so many things without actually knowing that we do :O
Song by ABBA...nice one...

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