Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Does everything has a reason?

Okay let me first tell you the story that caused me to think on this unusual topic..

I have been ill for 2 days because of which I missed by German class yesterday. I generally have my class at 1:30 pm everyday. So yesterday teacher told that she was going to take important things in extra time at 12:30 pm. A friend even called me in morning but I was busy and didn't receive that call. Later I had some work in University so I started from home at 11 am. My plan was:-Reach university by 11:45..do work which will take up 1 hour at least. That will make it 12:45 then go to my class by 1 pm for my 1 :30 lecture. Oblivious to the time change I went to university. What I say, all departments are closed. duhh, this is second time I am seeing a closed offices. I was angry and frustrated and stomping my feet. I was so agitated that police officers guarding university looked at me weirdly as I was stomping my way through the campus. No they didn't stop me, actually no police or security ever stops me, weird na? But its true I manage to get into confidential areas just like that hehe. Anyway then I decide that as I have time to spend I ll sit in canteen and spend some time. So I go in canteen, what I see? HUGE crowd, the usually deserted canteen is full and many Bangladeshi refugees are gobbling food like they saw it after decades. Again I was angry, stomping my feet walked towards parking.
Then while walking I realised that all this time I am not wearing my "Hijab" hehe. Well I have a ugly wind cheater and huge hanker chief to cover my face(from sun and pollution). I call it hijab borrowed from Muslim context, but actually it serves the purpose well. It manages to divert attention from me. Without my hijab if I were to walk I am a center of uncalled for male/female attention and I hate the starings. You may think its good being looked at but trust me its NOT.
Okay so all this time 50 people are staring at me. Its a horrible day nothing can be more horrible than this. I just decide to go to my class and wait for it to start.

I go to my class, reach it by 12:30 and whoa I am on time :) What can you call this? Everything has a reason it just takes time to show :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Without my hijab if I were to walk I am a center of uncalled for male/female attention and I hate the starings. You may think its good being looked at but trust me its NOT.

On the subject of being stared at : As a woman living in Delhi, i considered investing in a real muslim HIJAAB, even though I am hindu!!\ I didn't realize that being stared at can get equally uncomfortable for men as well.